Sunday, 14 September 2008

US Politics of Irrelevance

The Hamzaism Revealed: the Insane of The U.S. Presidential Election


In light of recent polls that suggested that J. McCain is getting ahead in the race and just has been strengthening his lead it is worthy trying to understand what is exactly happening!!!

So many reasons can be argued but the anchors and analysts seem either not being able to get it, or choose to ignore the reality of the undergoing race. This is a different angle to review the matter of study and it might get a bit ugly but hopefully straight.

Reviewing American Media and rebounds on McCain lead answers suggest the following:

- the Enthusiasm gap has been tackled through the appointment of Sarah Palin

- Independent voters (including white women, Wal-Marts moms and dads) are leaning McCain, no reason is given here.

- McCain and Palin are Mavericks, and they are going to change Washington

- McCain has the experience and the leadership due to his years of experience to take the U.S in the right direction

- Obama is on the defense now

And the list goes on and goes on neglecting some other dimensions

The Hamzaism list includes new items:

Argument I:

Sarah Palin, portrayed, as the GOP’ Obama has been made a star overnight through the same Media that has been criticized. McCain camp has been able to portray Media as sexist and Obama’ lovers turning Obama into the Elite’ choice Vs. Palin the ordinary people’ pick:

She just done one interview on her own ground, and her miserable performance was portrayed by Media itself as a brilliant and wise: Media is on a new fear record of criticizing Palin’ record to avoid being called Sexist, very similar to the environment prior to the war on Iraq when all News went supporting the War and justifying the War as the White House wanted! Media 0 McCain 1

Argument II:

The Race, and Yes, few people will suggest publicly that they are not willing to elect a Young Black Man to the highest office in the country, regardless of experience, credentials, or capacity. The arrival of Palin and use Obama’ theme of change, and suddenly people believe that Obama is the same agent of change as McCain. Now, many people who are not willing to address race can go and claim that McCain represents change as much as Obama, and here we go again! Tolerance 0 Racism 1

Earlier it was very alright to say we are not voting Obama because he is unknown, Palin is absurd unknown candidate and she is doing alright among those intellectual-wonna-be!

Argument III:

Americans are not politically aware as the Europeans lets say, who do not vote usually to people more than they vote for political and economic agenda, they voted Bush twice and reason was him being likable which was a taboo for Obama to become likable, Bush and now Palin can be called Likable and it is alright, those people are not naïve now having decided to vote for a Hockey Mom, I just can recall Matt Damon rightful analysis: this is a bad Walt Disney Movie, or did he say a bad Hollywood Movie!

Yes an intellectual has the same one vote to cast as any naïve or ignorant citizen! Smartness 0 Stupidity 1

Argument IV:

Obama is only great with his rhetoric, and he needs to have substance, so he did loosing an opportunity to address the historic achievement he made and changing his acceptance address into a Policy Address. He lost such a moment to respond to Media’ request, and now there are no more occasions left where he can speak from heart. This was a great strategy of Media and McCain together managed to steal Obama’ inspirations that the Campaign was built around him earlier. Obama 0 McCain and Media 1

Argument V:

Yes, the Hillary Clinton’ effect and it was white women and blue-collar workers it is the meaningless life-time campaign that consumed Obama’ image and resources, and challenged his movement. Clinton who is already planning a 2012 presidential bid did not stay in race to win, it stayed so that in 4-years from now can go and say I told you earlier, this young black unknown can’t win! The course of the Presidential Race would have changed if Clinton dropped after she failed to call the day on Super Tuesday! Or at best in March of 2008! McCain had a free pass and Obama was called names and made irrelevant; judgment questioned and called not qualified. Clinton can’t heal this by giving a great speech and campaign here and there for Obama! Clinton can’t win the elections for Obama, if any, it could be now Bill! Clintons did say and do anything not to win as people like to think, but to jeopardize Obama chances because if he won Hillary would be 68-years next time she can run!

Argument VI:

Obama does read what News say and believe it, Naïve who can vote and did badly get it many times do not! So Obama needs not to worry of the Media as much as focus and again on his grass-roots movement and double registration among his true supporters, intellectuals (mostly registered), and minorities (Black and Youth)

Argument VII:

Foreign Policy and Judgment: Iran and its radical leaders want GOP, they did when Carter vs. Regan and freed the American captives for GOP. GOP means radicalism and radicalism at one side calls for counter radicalism, we saw this when Clinton vs. Khatami, and if Najadi and conservatives want to control Iran they need a radical war cheerleader in White House: McCain and now with Palin! The Surge did not really create these results as much as a consensus of Iran vs. GOP to ensure that the Iraq was is not a significant item anymore.

I would not be surprised to know that Georgia’ President was just a tool to recreate a cold war environment, and now Russia on the play

Argument VIII:

Yes the GOP convention held a monopoly on September 11th, and magnified the threat of Islamic Radicalism in a GOP Style; Democrats were portrayed as far from being patriotic and Security Guards. GOP/McCain 1 Obama/DNC 0 and yes Media allowed them a free pass!


GOP can count on a mixture of naïve, racist, radical conservatives, and a nation in fear to secure a new term. They can make a good share of voters and Obama can in no way won those people. He needs to go again on track, reaffirm him message and bring up his inspiration and not to follow Media advice of being too specific, McCain doesn’t and he is winning. He needs again to ensure his once very enthusiastic supporters that he is the Change we can believe in.

Nevertheless, I just hope that with the three presidential debates to come, and one for vice-president and with strong outreach campaign that doesn’t respond to GOP and McCain that Obama can call it a day.


Anonymous said...

Republicans, especially neo-conservatives have allways been good in dirty strategies and politics of fear. I'm afraid we'll be stuck with McCain for 4 years, eventhough I'm not an Obama fan either.
Incredible isn't it? After 8 years of Bush!
Interesting note Hamza

Anonymous said...

Hamza, why are you freaking out about Palin? You had the same reaction towards the end of the primary season when Clinton won Pennsylvania, and feared the SD's would all go her way (or even switch away from Obama!). I'm not saying McCain doesn't have a fair shot, but you've all but declared Obama's campaign dead.

You don't need to worry (yet) about Palin because:

1) Palin's selection has been haralded as "energizing the Republican base." But if you look closer at the numbers, you will see that those who are most excited about Palin are voters who were *already* voting Republican. Furthermore, it probably excited the Democratic base just as much, and probably with a more lasting effect.

2) Palin's selection was a gimmick for McCain to try to sweep away Clinton supporters -- he obviously would not have picked her if she were a man. But (again) if you look closer at the numbers, you will see that most of the excitement about Palin was from MEN! In fact, women had a significantly higher UNfavorable opinion of Palin (and of McCain, for his belief he'd win them over just for picking a person with XX genes). The excitement among men probably won't matter much because (a) it will be short-lived, like all men-related excitement(!), and (b) men being excited about Palin doesn't mean those men are excited about McCain; they won't vote Republican JUST because McCain picked Palin. We're too lazy.

3) A few days ago, there was a political rally held in Alaska. Do you know what it was for? It was for Alaska Woman Against Palin. Do you know how many people attanded? 1,400. It was the largest political rally in Alaska's entire history.

4) Palin's selection did generate a lot of donations to the GOP. But her selection also generated a lot of donations to Obama's campaign. (See (1) above.)

You don't need to worry (yet) about McCain because:

1) His increasingly negative campaign is getting a lot of attention and will soon start to irritate voters.

2) His increasingly erroneous statements are getting a lot of attention and will soon start to freak out voters.

3) People will vote with the economy in mind. Obama wins in that regard handily.

4) The debates haven't happened yet. There is a very real chance that Obama will wipe the floor clean with McCain. (Maybe he won't, but he certainly could.)

That said, this election could be as close as the previous two, or it could be a blow-out for either candidate. Whatever happens, though, we shouldn't base elections (and entire campaigns) on a few days' worth of polling. If that were the case, we'd be talking about Clinton vs. Romney.

Bottom line: if Obama loses, it probably won't be because of Palin.

My advice: stop freaking out.