Wednesday 24 September 2008

US Politics of Irrelevance: 1st US Presidential Debate (Obama vs. McCain) Preview

I believe this is going to be my last post from my current voluntary exile before traveling home in the upcoming hours, and though I want to keep the attention to the Jordan Social Debate, I am a bit convinced that the US Presidential Debate are too important to ignore, and the first debate on Foreign Policy shall represent a milestone to understand the course of action and policy the US will carry on in the upcoming President Obama, hopefully, or heaven forbids President McCain.

This debate was planned to be the last among the three televised debates but team Obama feels that the senator can really catch the hearts and minds of voters, and they might feel that this is the hardest debate among them all, as Americans tend to highly rates Republicans on Off-shore policy and Democrats on Domestic one.

In the debate expect the following:
Senator McCain:
Iraq: I supported the surge, I supported the war when it was not popular, the surge is working, I will intend to leave Iraq with a victory!
Senator Obama will not bring victory! He doesn’t acknowledge the victory and success we are gaining there!
War on Terrorism:
I will go after Bin Ladin to gates of hell!
Iran: I hope he will sing Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran, but he will say: Senator Obama is willing to meet with Ahmed Najad
Middle East: shall not be a bigger difference of the two Senators, but there is a general feeling that only a President Obama can bring some progress to the Middle East Peace Process, however the two candidates will go on a beauty contests on who is more pro-Israel, McCain can score there
Latin America:
I am not going to meet with Shavez or Castro (Castro is not in power, but hell yes it is McCain)
My Advisor is not a lobbyist for any non-Democratic State down there
Spain is a Latin American Country, and I will review our relationship before meetings with its Prime Minister (he will flip on this statement made by him earlier this week), but he will mock Obama speech in Berlin
I AM A POW (Prisoner of War) I am a POW, I am a POW – like zillions times

Iraq: the Surge has worked beyond our wildest dreams, Iraqis want us out, we need to practice more pressure on Iraqis to be in charge of their security, I opposed the war far from the beginning (McCain can response: but you said you wouldn’t know how you were going to vote if you were actually in the Congress my friend)

Middle East: Obama said that Jerusalem is the Sole Capital for Israel, and said again it is a Capital for two-states- Obama would try to look a strong Israel friend, but he doesn’t have much credentials, never mind that Biden (Obama running mate) is a very hot prospect and big fan of Israel (third largest fund source for Biden)
Iran: we can not allow them having nukes (Cool Obama), but I am standing by my statement that I would meet with its leaders unconditionally (fully prepared)- I do believe he should echo that last Secretary of State

General Note:
I don’t consider Obama a great debater, and since he is a the frontrunner there is much to loose, so what I would advice Obama: Just don’t screw it, show leadership, focus on judgment coming to Afghanistan as the centre front of war on terrorism, Iraq as a passionate opposition, and draws a clear plan to withdraw. He might adapt a position that the liberal Americans will not cherish but this is the highest office on stake!
it is quite a dilemma for him to go against his initial calls that he will meet with the enemy of the States.
As a Jordanian I want him to focus on the Middle East Peace process, and calls for more comprehensive package that can at least speaks to the two parties instead of being an advocate of one. I wish there would be a reasonable withdrawal from Iraq, and no plans to storm with wars anymore!
He can focus on McCain shocking statements: we are all Georgians! COLD WAR! And of course echo how the US are not being considered anymore a leader of the Free World (if there is any)

Advice to McCain: just be yourself, and you will screw it for sure!

And yes please change the timing of the debate; it is bad to be up at 7 o’clock with no Non-Ramadan advantages

Monday 22 September 2008

Social Debate 101: The Death Penalty Debate

The Death (Capital) Penalty has been established among the first punishment for crimes commonly in response to a murder or treason (treason had different understandings among the different ages but was quite meant to those who go against own group mainstream). An Eye for Eye is the primitive rationale to this Penalty and has been ever sense used as a common sense punishment.

Worldwide the debate has verified from religious, philosophical, moral, political, and even economic aspects. However the debate in Jordan is taking a different dimension and this is what I intend to challenge in this post.

The general code in Capital Penalty is whether the murders (convicted) violation of others right to life justifies them (murders, convicted) loosing their own right to life. Is it right to execute such punishment!

Arguments stand for Capital Penalty consists of some of the below list:

- Death Penalty is right as those who don’t celebrate others right to life don’t deserve their own right (same as Eye for Eye)
- Some crimes need severe punishment so: It stands as a strong reminder of the consequences the Death Penalty has in reducing number of murders and relevant crimes (protects the society)
- Economically sounds (reduces cost of prisons and holding those convicted)

Arguments against Capital Penalty can be made of:

- Right to life is a basic human right that shall not be violated under any circumstance
- It does not help the community being secured, it add items of brutality and conduct of violence
- The Judicial System is being operated by Human Beings (no Aliens, no Hamzaists, no angles) so there is a great chance of wrong conviction, and it is worthy saving one innocent life to abandon Death Penalty
-Death Penalty has been usually a tool to take on Minorities (race: black), political opposition (review Arabia, and China)

Of course the debate is more in-depth and on philosophical and moral grounds, but lets’ see how it operates in Jordan (it, for the debate)

One head of the Lawyers bar in Jordan argued that the new developments in Jordan and discussion regarding the abolition of Death Penalty is due to Pressure from Foreign and International Human Rights Group (though he does not really mind using their reports, and email them when he thinks that he rising to power can be jeopardized for violations of different nature)!

So, what is wrong with Human Rights Groups: Their Double Standards of going after the US, and other forces operating in Iraq now, and of the Israeli Occupation in the West Bank! This can be very true, but what is wrong with the Principles; such informed opposition doesn’t have a clue! Or don’t want to shake the foundation of the Society and the religious laws (Jordan is a constitutional parliamentary monarchy)!

Well, the Lawyers Bar in Jordan is usually under the control of Pan-Arab groups (supported by the Islamists) and both groups never put human rights as a serious agenda, except when it fits them!

Islamists with so many people will say: You Can not contradict a God’ law, I would accept this if law and judicial practice has a share of this divine power, and of course if all argue this don’t submit to banking services, endorse slavery, and of course wish to abolish co-education.

What was a divine and sacred right to enslave people became rejected once the entire world stood up together and the practice became socially and humanely not accepted.

1400 years shall allow us to think and go beyond the exact text, and tries to develop new ideas that serve on a global human rights conduct code.

Now, for those state that Capital Punishment is a society protector and it is a necessary tool to address the society of not going beyond limits, my answer is this: Capital Punishment is not a sole act, it must become a part of a holistic human rights and ethics education that starts from the very early days (primary school, homes, why not!)

There are no statistics that support the argument of abolition capital punishment adds to crime counter, simply it might be irrelevant: Crime Prevention is far more complicated includes Education, Providing Basic Needs to Citizens, and wish for the best (Sounds Strategy ha!)

The 1-million argument is abolishing capital punishment would trigger an old act of revenge, and this brings us back to another debate of having a law of tribal, old traditions, scripts, religious, and civil as part of Jordan twenty first century. We do need to become courageous to reform the way we understand things!

Jordan did not report any execution of Capital Penalty in the years of 2007 and 2008, and I do believe we must carry on this practice. Now, this can represent a milestone to go forward with abolition of Death Penalty and here is a strategy:

- Hold to all verdicts that were stated earlier, and halt the practice for the next ten years
- Review all of the death sentences and ensure that the proceedings were sounds established
- Establish a national debate on the issue of Abolition of Death Penalty and allow for Awareness Campaigns to show that we don’t only feel EU are cool, but we do need this aspect of social justice, for us, the nation of Jordan, and not as a decoration on table.

General Note of Jordan Government, Legislation, and Judiciary System:

Jordan is a constitutional parliamentary monarchy led by HM the King of Jordan, head of the State, and Commander in Chief. HM the King of Jordan appoints the Prime Minister who then formed his cabinet famously upon a national consensus on Cabinet Members and his own figure.
The Government led by the Prime Minister has to stand before the House of Nation (Senates; appointed with right to amend, Representatives; elected with right to bills introduction) and hath to pass a measure of trust (I, vote, majority of 110 representatives of different cities and districts).
For any law bill to pass it has to have the 2/3 majority of both Houses, shall be issued a Royal Decree, and shall not contradict the foundation of Constitution.
The Judiciary System is the third pillar of the establishment, and enjoys independence and right to challenge context of law bills that found to be unconstitutional.

The Civil Criminal Judicial System has limited the execution of Death Penalty to those crimes of severe nature (murder if established to be intentional, rape of 15 years old and younger, terrorists’ attacks and vandalism acts if led to murder of individuals)

The system allows in stance of the victim’ family (murder only) a type of pardon (curfew), results usually in third party (other family) intervention to agree a type of peace’ talks among all involved parties.

There are no rules enacted to support homosexual rights, and generic note of abortion law indicates that the law does not consider a legal act, and the same goes to HIV/AIDS positive anti-discrimination regulation that does not in place till this moment.

It is a common practice in Jordan to apply “don’t ask … don’t tell” and let the debate begins

Thursday 18 September 2008

The Jordan Social Debate 101

The Jordan Social Debate 101

So many people will argue that we are not in the luxury of social debates, and though economic and political debates are quite active, not to say very hot in Jordan, it is fair to say that it is still a minority in Jordan that want to bring this debate forward and obliviously no player in Jordan Political Life wants to, as it does not win you much appreciation among the majority, and the sensitivity of this issue can be turned into a killer of ones political future, or even creditability. Is this a political suicide? Perhaps it could be made one depends on capacity to understand and methods to analyze, but again who can better explain words but their owners. And at a personal note I do believe social reform is a must and should not be ignored due to such issues being unpopular, and to very certain extend Taboos.

There is no agreement if Jordan is 100% democratic state, and none can argue it is a perfect opposition to this claim, the consensus on the Jordan Democracy is that Jordan is a country in transition with much done over the course of the last few years, and very much among the leaders of Democratization processes among Arab States competing with Morocco and Lebanon, and widely debated Iraq.

Having this established a “country in democratic transition” means that at certain moment of the foreseen future Jordan should be considered as a well-established democracy with its own traditions and domestic own understanding. But the Status Queue should not be tolerated to allow a luxury of time of those who favored it. There is a risk that in a short spin of time we can find ourselves as Jordanians lagging in a Chapter that we are its clear frontrunner.

In a general note the author of this post believes that this “moments of transition” is about the right time to introduce a comprehensive social reform package, as public awareness of civic rights and duties, along with respect to others individualism, and own personal space are a milestone for the whole enacted process and that it should not be delayed anymore.

Established earlier there have been a very hot debate on Economic Reform, and another strong debate on political scene that though I do not always enjoy its tone it is quite thrilling to see more Jordanian getting relatively involved in light of current economic challenges that can not be separated from the Whole Social, Economic, and Political Reform the country is witnessing.

In the upcoming posts few quite controversial social issues will be addressed with the leading agenda of sparking a debate on these issues, the posts due to arrive at Hamzaism will try to address the following social reform demands, and review progress made or steps backwards, these issues are:

- Abolishing the Capital (Death) Penalty

- Recognition of HIV/AIDS +ive, prejudices, rights, and social comprehension

- Recognition of difference of sexual orientation, and tolerance as a concept in practice, and civic rights

- Pro-choice vs. Pro-life (A Debate on abortion)

- Other: allowing a space to other issues being introduced

It is quite interesting to collect reviews on these subjects prior to the date of release as it can be to see the reflections on such issues.

Sunday 14 September 2008

US Politics of Irrelevance

The Hamzaism Revealed: the Insane of The U.S. Presidential Election


In light of recent polls that suggested that J. McCain is getting ahead in the race and just has been strengthening his lead it is worthy trying to understand what is exactly happening!!!

So many reasons can be argued but the anchors and analysts seem either not being able to get it, or choose to ignore the reality of the undergoing race. This is a different angle to review the matter of study and it might get a bit ugly but hopefully straight.

Reviewing American Media and rebounds on McCain lead answers suggest the following:

- the Enthusiasm gap has been tackled through the appointment of Sarah Palin

- Independent voters (including white women, Wal-Marts moms and dads) are leaning McCain, no reason is given here.

- McCain and Palin are Mavericks, and they are going to change Washington

- McCain has the experience and the leadership due to his years of experience to take the U.S in the right direction

- Obama is on the defense now

And the list goes on and goes on neglecting some other dimensions

The Hamzaism list includes new items:

Argument I:

Sarah Palin, portrayed, as the GOP’ Obama has been made a star overnight through the same Media that has been criticized. McCain camp has been able to portray Media as sexist and Obama’ lovers turning Obama into the Elite’ choice Vs. Palin the ordinary people’ pick:

She just done one interview on her own ground, and her miserable performance was portrayed by Media itself as a brilliant and wise: Media is on a new fear record of criticizing Palin’ record to avoid being called Sexist, very similar to the environment prior to the war on Iraq when all News went supporting the War and justifying the War as the White House wanted! Media 0 McCain 1

Argument II:

The Race, and Yes, few people will suggest publicly that they are not willing to elect a Young Black Man to the highest office in the country, regardless of experience, credentials, or capacity. The arrival of Palin and use Obama’ theme of change, and suddenly people believe that Obama is the same agent of change as McCain. Now, many people who are not willing to address race can go and claim that McCain represents change as much as Obama, and here we go again! Tolerance 0 Racism 1

Earlier it was very alright to say we are not voting Obama because he is unknown, Palin is absurd unknown candidate and she is doing alright among those intellectual-wonna-be!

Argument III:

Americans are not politically aware as the Europeans lets say, who do not vote usually to people more than they vote for political and economic agenda, they voted Bush twice and reason was him being likable which was a taboo for Obama to become likable, Bush and now Palin can be called Likable and it is alright, those people are not naïve now having decided to vote for a Hockey Mom, I just can recall Matt Damon rightful analysis: this is a bad Walt Disney Movie, or did he say a bad Hollywood Movie!

Yes an intellectual has the same one vote to cast as any naïve or ignorant citizen! Smartness 0 Stupidity 1

Argument IV:

Obama is only great with his rhetoric, and he needs to have substance, so he did loosing an opportunity to address the historic achievement he made and changing his acceptance address into a Policy Address. He lost such a moment to respond to Media’ request, and now there are no more occasions left where he can speak from heart. This was a great strategy of Media and McCain together managed to steal Obama’ inspirations that the Campaign was built around him earlier. Obama 0 McCain and Media 1

Argument V:

Yes, the Hillary Clinton’ effect and it was white women and blue-collar workers it is the meaningless life-time campaign that consumed Obama’ image and resources, and challenged his movement. Clinton who is already planning a 2012 presidential bid did not stay in race to win, it stayed so that in 4-years from now can go and say I told you earlier, this young black unknown can’t win! The course of the Presidential Race would have changed if Clinton dropped after she failed to call the day on Super Tuesday! Or at best in March of 2008! McCain had a free pass and Obama was called names and made irrelevant; judgment questioned and called not qualified. Clinton can’t heal this by giving a great speech and campaign here and there for Obama! Clinton can’t win the elections for Obama, if any, it could be now Bill! Clintons did say and do anything not to win as people like to think, but to jeopardize Obama chances because if he won Hillary would be 68-years next time she can run!

Argument VI:

Obama does read what News say and believe it, Naïve who can vote and did badly get it many times do not! So Obama needs not to worry of the Media as much as focus and again on his grass-roots movement and double registration among his true supporters, intellectuals (mostly registered), and minorities (Black and Youth)

Argument VII:

Foreign Policy and Judgment: Iran and its radical leaders want GOP, they did when Carter vs. Regan and freed the American captives for GOP. GOP means radicalism and radicalism at one side calls for counter radicalism, we saw this when Clinton vs. Khatami, and if Najadi and conservatives want to control Iran they need a radical war cheerleader in White House: McCain and now with Palin! The Surge did not really create these results as much as a consensus of Iran vs. GOP to ensure that the Iraq was is not a significant item anymore.

I would not be surprised to know that Georgia’ President was just a tool to recreate a cold war environment, and now Russia on the play

Argument VIII:

Yes the GOP convention held a monopoly on September 11th, and magnified the threat of Islamic Radicalism in a GOP Style; Democrats were portrayed as far from being patriotic and Security Guards. GOP/McCain 1 Obama/DNC 0 and yes Media allowed them a free pass!


GOP can count on a mixture of naïve, racist, radical conservatives, and a nation in fear to secure a new term. They can make a good share of voters and Obama can in no way won those people. He needs to go again on track, reaffirm him message and bring up his inspiration and not to follow Media advice of being too specific, McCain doesn’t and he is winning. He needs again to ensure his once very enthusiastic supporters that he is the Change we can believe in.

Nevertheless, I just hope that with the three presidential debates to come, and one for vice-president and with strong outreach campaign that doesn’t respond to GOP and McCain that Obama can call it a day.

Sunday 25 May 2008

The Hamzaism Code 2: Decoding the Jordan Political Spectrum(s)

Politics 101 or 102 depends

Right to Left and Left to Right to Find Nothing

part B- A Mockery in Progress

p.s. note: the comments to come are quite not based on previous Academia studies or relevant materials as unfortunately this is quite not available, parties now tend to HIDE the size of the party, and don’t in general advocate anything but what would be listed as common of Islamists and traditional leftists. So, I hope it doesn’t get personal it simply echoes a frustration of a Jordanian Young Man trying to understand the politics of his own nation.

Today Politics:
The Islamist and the traditional Left share the following positions
- they are both in the so-called Opposition alliance
- they are both not in favor for the 1994 peace treaty (Baathists are more to the anti-side comparing to more tolerant communist and traditional left)
- they both don’t have a clear economic platform (though Islamists generally are close to the traditional liberal)
- they are loosing ground regardless of typical accusation
- they have irrelevant arguments when it comes the point of them having a better plan
- they both would never turn down a post proposed in the government
- they tend to have more interest in the regional Affairs comparing to the locals
- they cant really mobilize the people as in the golden 60s for the left and 90s for the Islamist
- they don’t really mind receiving foreign aids, meet with Imperial Power (and of course deny it), criticize the act when done by civil society organizations, and then embrace it
- they frequently ex-change power in the Professionals Bar and Associations (mainly Islamists and Arab Nationalists- or green and white)
- same reason of why people don’t embrace or endorse them: Search for the Government
- Islamists are better in self-critique in its very own Islamists definition of the term

Jordan Political Parties Crackers:
The Jordan Socialist Movement, same as Jordan Communists, has not developed or re-visited the old traditional definition to the socialism and they haven’t had leadership changed since perhaps the 60s – debatable, and this is common in all political parties in Jordan who advocate Change and Democracy and fails to apply it themselves.

The Baathis: In Jordan we can witness the two baathis (Iraq branch and the Syrian Branch), and they are worst rivals in many aspects. In theory they should be the same

The Naseri: 6 seniors and a young man I happened to know

The Arab Nationalists (represented in PFLP and DFLP): their left-over Jordanian versions are barely alive

Al Qathafi party: a solo group of beneficiaries that advocates the Green Book of Qathafi of Libya, party called: People Communities Party, members: 13 I assume!

The Jordanian Nationalists: developed in a traditional movement of conservatism and advocates for a bigger role of the State and tend to least favor openness

The Jordanian Liberals: The Mystery of Today and it tends that everyone overnight is throwing a stone at every word that can be made of liberalism in non-coherent sense sometimes. Their advocates argue that at least they have a PLAN! Though it is quite true that current stream has focused more on economic terms, and a bit socials in comparison to the political aspect that is collateral to the package.

And of course we have the following groups:
The women groups: two or three or four streams that is not actually feminists

Youth Groups: who are quite not sure of how this political spectrum can be set and analyzed

And of course the 9 or 11 or 15 Centrist-parties that really none except the Ministry of Political Development acknowledge of existence

(it is not highly recommended to proceed if you are a Jordian young woman or man under the age of 45 or 30 or 18)

The Conclusion that can be really a long one
How would you categorize the at least 33 registered political parties in Jordan (keep in mind that the number would shrink once and for-all the new political parties law is effectively applied)

The Islamic Front: in theory the Collateral for Christian Democrats in Europe
- both liberal and socialist economic plan: whatever that the people like, free-market and government to strain the market , now lean to the populist argument which shall send them to the left
- Socially conservative: I would argue an ultra conservatism that only not applicable during Elections season: we are tolerant to anyone if he/she votes us! Right scores a point here
- Refugees or Migrants attitude: they can be a major voting blocks (Left scores- Universal Vote Right)
- Freedom of Speech: granted in the way we define it (radicals) and all religion-related literature or books or whatever shall be screened and approved deja! (right scores again)
- Freedom of Political Opposition: Hooorah for us, but for the Syrian Opposition: betrayals of your nation and religion (including the Syrian branch of the Islamic Brotherhood)
- Violence: Not even the State should manipulate this right or anyone else! Big Go to Hizbullah and Hamas! But, we are still peaceful! Radical Left Now!
- Iran: enemies of the 90s and friends of 00s
- And I shall leave the list open

Right or Left!

The Communists:
- In Economy Traditional: it is alright for the party members to be really unquestionable rich
- Democracy Rules: but Lenin, Mao Tsi Young, and Stalin are Figures to learn from
- Anti-Imperialism: but it is welcome to see the sister party in Iraq joining the governing notorious council
- GO Labors: hmmm!
- WE WELCOME the USAID Cash to our Sister NGO(s)
- Actually nothing worthy reporting here

The Baathis:
Arab Unity: but we can still have the Syria branch and Iraq branch

The traditional Left:
Some of them tend to be the least friends of migrants and refugees (go Right)
We can be working in Major Corporate and Financial System!
We DREAM a lot!

The Jordanian Traditionalists and Liberals:
Lean to the right with some interesting left thoughts! Though they just don’t know it!

The Way Forward:
Join us at the new hope of the nation in
Hezzb Abna’a Al Haratheen: A Mockery in progress

Again, I had to drop the Centrist-Claim parties with no intentions to do so! I am quite trapped in Guilt!

The Hamzaism Code 1: Decoding the Jordan Political Spectrum(s)

Politics 101
Right to Left and Left to Right to Find Nothing

Part A- the Boring Facts
A desperate position I frequently trap myself in is when I have to introduce the local political spectrum of Jordan to non-Jordanians, and even to the Jordanians as the definition of the right to mainstream to the left is quite clear and articulate in the most of the countries including those developing, and those in transition, to add to the already developed nations.

Jordanians who tend to speak politics during big share of their daily lives lean to be least in practice, and it is almost a Mission Impossible to draw the numbers of those belong to political parties, or movements, summon by those active civil society agents.

This is not an attempt to understand why Political Parties are not generally the major outlet for political activism or people participation in civic life, it is more of a shot taken to frame what is available at this point of those, if existent, politico.

The Global Trends of Right and Left
I would first echo the American traditional definition of Rights and Lefts, and as many of the world citizens are aware US politics consists of the GOP or Republican Party, and The Democrats, famous for the elephant and the donkey respectively.

The GOP represents the traditional social conservative with Free-Market oriented policy where it contrasts the traditional Liberalism of Free Market and Free People, though it high values the individualism and spirit of entrepreneurship when it comes to business, and low taxes. Yet, it is quite relatively hostile to minorities and others, and lately started to be more of religion-driven to be said style of governance. The Democrats at the same time are those, generally speaking, pro-choice pro- liberties which who favor liberal social agenda (Gay Marriage, Abortion, minorities rights and empowerment), and advance a certain degree of separation of State and Church. In Economic terms it encourages Government spending, high taxes, and a State-Universal Health Care. Clear Math: Republicans to the right and Democrats to the Left. The main debate in traditional American Politics: Role of the Federal Government, Republicans historically stood for a least Federal Government power in comparison to the Democrats.

In the British Islands we can still see the same positioning between the Labors and The Conservatives, and it is understandable to have another factor when it comes to the Scotland, Wales, and Ireland politics to see a pro-union or independence advocate movements that can redefine the politics.

In Europe the course of political history has been to a degree or more a production of two major historic milestone: the French Revolution which indeed contributed to the World Wide Politics we witness in general terms, and later the Red October Revolution less than a century ago in Russia, which installed violence as a major reality-change factor, and since communism is only literally can be seen in Cuba I would have the guts to leave the Eastern Europe Communism for a while, and go deeper with the Western Socialism style that was a peaceful socialism movement led to the social-welfare States we can still trace in Europe, both in the West and the North, and at the same time has the platform that was generally created and supported as a Communism-counter to the Christian Democrats Parties (i.e. conservatives) to grow and prosper under the socialists Economic terms, and allowed a great space to the Elite who were literally the minority who represented the traditional Liberals; those who favor Individualism, Secularism, and a century ago would be generally seen more to the left part of the spectrum.
Now, the European Socialists withdraw more to the right spectrum of economic agenda, went together with the Today Liberal Parties in Europe in the same social rights, advocate for the Entrepreneurship leaving the space for a new trend of communism and a youthful movement of the Green Peace advocates, and to the right wing left the CDPs generally framed as least friendly to the migrants and the aliens in a technical term. And again the spectrum is quite clear from to left to right:
Communist – Green Peace- Social Democrats – Liberals – Christian Democrats- and the ultimate right of basically migrants-haters and fear-mongers.
So, in Comparison
World Wide Political Right Stream: Republicans and Christian Democrats (neo-liberals in Europe)
World Wide Political Left Stream: Democrats and Social Democrats (green peace and anti-globalization activists)

This trend can still stand in Latin America with the Exception of the Catholic Communists during the 60s and 70s, and can be the same in other democracies and perhaps other in transition nations.

In conclusion:
Right shares conservatives’ social agenda, not the best friend for migrants, hard free-market driven economy, and low taxes and low government role. And the left can certainly echo the opposite with the world’ today reality of Free-Market.

The Jordan Politics
The History of Jordan, its Geo-political reality, demography, the waves of refugees, the brain-drain, Education, and the long undergoing conflicts in the region have shape the political spectrum of today.

The Pan-Country Political Groups
Traditional Communism: which shared the same global message of the Mother Party, and had taken controversial positions in the course of history (the Palestinian Communist Party was an ally of the Israeli counterpart and still) , though events and course have dramatically changed. The Communists were strong in Iraq and Syria, and were hostile to the Arab Political Groups in general.

The Arab Nationalists: A Group started with two major themes: Arab nations Unity and Liberation (including the liberty of the Palestine) developed later into the People Front and the Democratic Front for Liberation of Palestine.

The Baathists (Baathi): similar to the The Arab Nationalists and advocates the socialism as an economic platform, Liberty and Unity for all Arab Nations
The Naseris: in ideology and in theory the echo the message of the Baathi with a difference that it is more connected to the Egyptian Leader Nasser, and it is quite interesting to see how hostile were the two groups in both Iraq and Egypt
The Arab Socialists: later merged with the Baathi providing the Economic Plan. And installed revolution and violence into the principles of once liberal movement.
The Society Syrian Party: which advocates the idea of larger Natural Syria, and though was active for sometime it is very hard to trace its members and advocates at least in Jordan today.
The Islamic Brotherhood: which started as a social back-to-religion movement and turned to become one of the major political stream of today in Jordan and across the Arab nations.
The Jordanian Nationalists: this would spark another analysis and I can imagine a debate later ( could echo the old traditional liberalism school of liberties)

What was in common among all those groups back in the 20s-60s periods?!
Note: we even had a parliamentary Arab Socialists-Baathists-Nationalists Government in the 50s!

For the exception of the Islamists we can draw a one major platform:
They are all to the LEFT. In a way or other groups were socially progressive, secular in terms of State and Mosque, Socialists in economic term, and Pro-Arab Unity but who was not one in the 50s?!

Note: all these groups (including the Islamists) and (exception the Communist) shared the same position of The Arab Israeli Conflict, though I would argue the Islamists to be least engaged.
END of PART A- the Boring Academia in action!

Sunday 27 April 2008

To Blog or Not to Blog! That Aint' the Question...

So it has been around a year since my fellow friend and a long time room mate created my Hamzaism blog, yet I have submitted nothing, wrote about absolutely nothing, and spoke of no issues, or post any pictures. And the fair question would be: Why then having a blog and failed to turn it into a platform I assume I need to deliver my inspirations and aspiration, desperation and motivation?

Before going there I used to ask myself if anyone will care to read others’ personal reflections, rumors, and to certain extend News headlines!

This is quite hard to admit but I have been following tons of blogs, those which are quite popular, and others that are quite familiar to people inner zone, and I would not fully endorse the idea of being too honest too straight tforward to expose myself to the others’.

The argument can be settled by relating this to my old days’ deep political involvement where I might have got the routine politicians daily of say too much and mean nothing or perhaps due to my own remarks on Blogging in general and Jordan’ and Arab’ blogging:

In general where few people dare to speak with own identities, Bloggers copy each other, play advocates of liberties and freedoms, play the role of serious people’ fighters, and end up doing literally nothing, and I wanted to conduct a poll to see if Jordanians Bloggers for example were seriously engaged in the last Elections regardless of all related ups and downs.

This is one point that always allowed me to mock Bloggers, mainly Jordanians, whom very few of them are active at grass-roots democracy, and big share of them basically in the beginning were the elitists playing down to earth and populists.

One of the main reasons however was and I believe it is still there, that the culture of the bloggers tend to portrait a new style of opposition that allow individuals to feel fine about their ACTs while again doing nothing, and not Debating the issues. Any public story in the course of the last two years was presented in all local blogs the same way, same materials, and usually with same references. And I conducted my own research on local bloggers and figured out that they are far of being mature, real contenders, debate-free, one direction traffic, and the theme if you want to become a blogging community popular figure then the best way is to play the all-no all-ZA-time (with apologies to Melody Hits).

A quarter century of my life time passed couple of months away, and I still don’t dare to say that I found it, the Ideology or the Policy I will endorse, advocate for, and work to achieve. I believe that the Man is in a quest for the Truth, and I always embraced “and You Shall Find the Truth, and The Truth Shall Set You Free”.

Though it has been said that the only constant is the change itself, but in my own belief that it is Freedom, traveling from the left to the right to the centre to the front to the back-scene I would only appreciate one certain value that I hope I would never comprise: Freedom.

I thought to start my own line, blogging, with the announcement of the release of the Saudi Blogger- I guess fellow bloggers know of whom I speak- and the aftermath of the first Arab online strike that had fully stroke the status of quo in Egypt.

I have done some hard homework before coming public with this baby born blog, but I wish that it will serve basically as a Debate Platform, whether in terms of local, regional, or international affairs in the different dimensions, and to stand as a motive before minds and hearts to engage in a long quest of Truth.