Sunday, 27 April 2008

To Blog or Not to Blog! That Aint' the Question...

So it has been around a year since my fellow friend and a long time room mate created my Hamzaism blog, yet I have submitted nothing, wrote about absolutely nothing, and spoke of no issues, or post any pictures. And the fair question would be: Why then having a blog and failed to turn it into a platform I assume I need to deliver my inspirations and aspiration, desperation and motivation?

Before going there I used to ask myself if anyone will care to read others’ personal reflections, rumors, and to certain extend News headlines!

This is quite hard to admit but I have been following tons of blogs, those which are quite popular, and others that are quite familiar to people inner zone, and I would not fully endorse the idea of being too honest too straight tforward to expose myself to the others’.

The argument can be settled by relating this to my old days’ deep political involvement where I might have got the routine politicians daily of say too much and mean nothing or perhaps due to my own remarks on Blogging in general and Jordan’ and Arab’ blogging:

In general where few people dare to speak with own identities, Bloggers copy each other, play advocates of liberties and freedoms, play the role of serious people’ fighters, and end up doing literally nothing, and I wanted to conduct a poll to see if Jordanians Bloggers for example were seriously engaged in the last Elections regardless of all related ups and downs.

This is one point that always allowed me to mock Bloggers, mainly Jordanians, whom very few of them are active at grass-roots democracy, and big share of them basically in the beginning were the elitists playing down to earth and populists.

One of the main reasons however was and I believe it is still there, that the culture of the bloggers tend to portrait a new style of opposition that allow individuals to feel fine about their ACTs while again doing nothing, and not Debating the issues. Any public story in the course of the last two years was presented in all local blogs the same way, same materials, and usually with same references. And I conducted my own research on local bloggers and figured out that they are far of being mature, real contenders, debate-free, one direction traffic, and the theme if you want to become a blogging community popular figure then the best way is to play the all-no all-ZA-time (with apologies to Melody Hits).

A quarter century of my life time passed couple of months away, and I still don’t dare to say that I found it, the Ideology or the Policy I will endorse, advocate for, and work to achieve. I believe that the Man is in a quest for the Truth, and I always embraced “and You Shall Find the Truth, and The Truth Shall Set You Free”.

Though it has been said that the only constant is the change itself, but in my own belief that it is Freedom, traveling from the left to the right to the centre to the front to the back-scene I would only appreciate one certain value that I hope I would never comprise: Freedom.

I thought to start my own line, blogging, with the announcement of the release of the Saudi Blogger- I guess fellow bloggers know of whom I speak- and the aftermath of the first Arab online strike that had fully stroke the status of quo in Egypt.

I have done some hard homework before coming public with this baby born blog, but I wish that it will serve basically as a Debate Platform, whether in terms of local, regional, or international affairs in the different dimensions, and to stand as a motive before minds and hearts to engage in a long quest of Truth.